During my work on my Deprivatizer script I wanted to learn a little bit about making CLI tools in C#. I had to write some really weird things in Google, because I learned about many libraries one can download as NuGet packages and then configure them and then fail to implement them at first.

So I tried something different.

I built a simple console application

using System;

namespace Deprivatizer.Cmd
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

Yes, I did not change a thing. I put a break point at the start. Went to the projects properties, and added this line

smth.xml -super "this is a test"

in Application arguments.

When I run the application I noticed, that I got 3 arguments. It is actually parsed as command line parameters. Not simply split by spaces, but taken quotes when interpreting strings.

Srsly, implementing your own CLI will be easier than you think.