Last changed 04.11.2021

Someone told me that the best way to get stuff done is to tell everyone about it. Then, you’ll magically feel responsible for delivering results. Well… what is there to lose? ;-) Here’s my list of potential projects I want to do:

  • An interactive restaurant menu. Ever wanted to pick something from a website restaurant menu and it was just too big? My idea is to create a menu for a restaurant (hipothetical, I don’t know if I’ll manage to sell it) that would be interactive: filter pizzas so they contain only the mentioned ingredients. Or filter out dishes with alergens or stuff you’re client doesn’t like.
  • Twitter comparer. Compare your Twitter account to a different Twitter user. All in a simple web application.
  • Pair comparison method. Learned this method during my university years. A webpage or a desktop application would help prioritise items.
  • What project should I do next?. Sometimes, I just want to learn something new. If only there was a database online to help pick small projects given into consideration what technologies, practices and skills I would need or I would learn.
  • An activity planner. An application that help plan activities, like Pomodoro. Or schools plans!
  • A JSON structure comparer. A file that would help compare JSON files. Not as text, but as structure.
  • A job offer analyzer. Some pages have job offers as RSS channels. What if I could interpret them to learn something about the market?
  • A tutorial on how to make simple computer games in several technologies. Pong, Space Invaders, Tetris. Made in Game Maker Godot, maybe Unity, maybe Rust?
  • A media browser for files. Probably in UWP.
  • A text editor that helps to edit and redact texts.
  • A website with historical timeline to present, study and compare historical data.
  • A social media platform about sharing your interest in Bible quotes.
  • A diagram and flow visualizer. This one was born during a kind of boring set of meetings in a corporation I work. What if there was a good way to present complex systems. Which helps not only with rendering dependencies between components but also visualize data flows? By highlighting components in order it can be than used to show how data is being used in the system. And all that in a single diagram.

Done 2021