I used to think that this blog will be code only, showing only my hard coding skills and how can I acquire them. I wanted to share some great insightful things. And didn’t, because it’s not I actually learn. Some people I admire (like Andrzej Krzywda) encourage people to write about things I just learned in coding. But it appears I rarely learn to code or not all I learn is considered (by me) worthy of sharing (it’s a problem I know).

And yet every year (for 3 years now) I promised myself I will create a new blog post once every two weeks. 48 blogposts a year. Goal never met.

And yet, I do have some progress. And I even want to share it.

At first, I thought about creating another blog - about being a Catholic minimalist and wannabe stoic sharing his life experiences and life hacks learnt along the way. And then I thought… why jump ship?

So, from now on, I will extend my blog. It will still be work oriented, though. I don’t want this blog to turn into a social media account. I will still post code, no worries.