Story time

I had a blog running on Wordpress for a long time and it sucked.

  • it required a server (costs, costs, costs)
  • it used a SQL database for storing posts
  • if you wanted an extension, you either had to find a free one (good luck) and wish it worked according to description, buy it, or implement it yourself in PHP (which by itself is discouraging)

Then, maybe a year ago, a friend at work introduced me to Jekyll. And the more I learned, the more I loved it:

  • why have a database, when file system is the best database!
  • why spend money on a server when I can host on GitHub Pages!
  • why drown in PHP when I can… well, float above the water with Ruby (it’s still better, right?)

Well, it appears not really. I still lacked something. Sure, Jekyll is still easier to extend than Wordpress, but it still required me to actually learn a new language. A very different language.

Then I learned about Blazor, did some tutorials and I thought… THIS IS IT! Given the fact how cool Blazor WebAssembly is, I might actually make a blog in it to learn it!

What I want to achieve

  1. A good alternative to Jekyll for people who don’t want to learn/use Ruby, but prefer C#
  2. Copy-Paste migration from Jekyll
  3. Easy to customize
  4. Easy to configure
  5. Easy to install in your own .NET Core project

What I did so far

Well, I started with crying on Twitter that the default template is too large and immediately get an answer.

And this way I started using the Blazor Minimal Project Template by Greg Trevellick. That’s it for now. Plan is to implement reading blog posts and turn markdown into html next.

I’m storing it on GitHub for everyone to see.

Special thanks

This post would not be created (this fast) if it wasn’t for Andrzej Krzywda who reignited my spark for blogging, again. Who knows, it might last longer than last time :-)